A photograph of the artist looking over her shoulder.

South x South East

Belinda Zhawi

South X South East explores migration and identities based on geography and features field recordings and contributions by harpist Marysia Osuchowsk and Caleb Azumah Nelson. Belinda Zhawi is a Zimbabwean literary & sound artist based in London, author of Small Inheritances (ignitionpress, 2018), & experiments with sound/text performance as MA.MOYO. Her work has been featured on various platforms including The White Review, NTS, Boiler Room & BBC Radio. She's held residencies with Triangle Asterides, Serpentine Galleries and ICA London. Belinda's the co-founder of literary arts platform, BORN::FREE.

This work is part of

Common Lands: Who do we think we are?

Over the years, b-side artists from both on and off the island have created artworks that celebrate, question and provoke thoughts on place, identity and belonging. Lots of us have taken part by sharing our special places here on the island and sometimes we've lamented those places we can no longer live.

This year, and going forward, we want to widen the lens and extend the conversation further. We want to go deeper in our exploration of belonging, displacement and thoughts on migration - historical and contemporary, and both on and off the island, by inviting new voices to add richness, inspiration and challenge to the conversation. We are delighted that two artists, Belinda Zhawi and Ioannis Panagiotou, will be sharing with you their responses to the theme Who Do We Think We Are?

Belinda's sound and poetry installation, Viva Voce, will trace the movement of tides, people, animals and goods. Using the Rivers Thames and Exe as a starting point, Belinda's work will blend reflections on two great rivers bound together by a shared history of trade, movement and migration.

Ioannis' multi-media installation and live music performance, Pilgrim's Horses, marks the one hundred year anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe. Using Portland bridleways to imagine and trace the journey on horseback by one of his relatives, the work seeks to discover lost memories and stories of diaspora. Ioannis will be joined by Lithuanian guitarist Danguole Lingyte. Who Do We Think We Are? is being developed in partnership with Counterpoints Arts.